Oklahoma State Award for Performance Excellence Application

The Oklahoma State Level Award is for organizations that have been working with performance excellence principles and concepts for some time. These organizations, upon winning, are state-level role models and have met the criteria of eligibility to apply for the National level Baldrige Award. The Organization demonstrates effective, systematic, well-deployed approaches responsive to at least the overall requirements of most Criteria Items. The organization demonstrates fact-based, systematic evaluation and improvement processes and organizational learning, including innovation that results in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of key processes. Results address most key customer/stakeholder, market, and process requirements, and they demonstrate areas of strength against relevant comparisons and/or benchmarks. Improvement trends and/or good performance are reported for most areas of importance to the overall Criteria requirements and the accomplishment of the organization’s mission. (Total score greater than 500 with judges recommendation.)

Assessment Focus

  1. Organizational Profile (5 pages)
  2. Application (50 pages – includes Organizational Profile)
  3. Site Visit (includes judges) Required for External Recognition
  4. Feedback Report
  5. Review with Executive Director or Board Member
  6. Awarded with Trophy
  7. Provide 4-5 Examiners

The top-level means all award requirements will be fully assessed, as well as ADLI and LeTCI.

Oklahoma State level applicants must register and submit their application by the deadline.


The Oklahoma Quality Foundation provides workshop opportunities for applicants. These valuable workshops are designed to help interested organizations organize and respond to Excellence Framework questions. You will learn best practices from leaders in the excellence journey arena, helping you maximize your time, and identify potential pitfalls.

Award Process

For first-time applicants, please contact us and we’ll help get you started!

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